
Your special day: "Be with me" - Inspirations for your life, love & career

An inspiring day of deep conversation, insight, solutions, relaxation, joyful being and togetherness awaits you. No matter what kind af issue you may bring with you, the focus is entirely on you and your special needs. At the end of the day there will be a change in your perspective, a calm mind, a different view on your topics and a knowing about next steps. The time spent together can lead you, if this is your wish, as well to the possible question of who you really are or meant to be and which visions and dreams you have and want to realise. Choose time, timeframe and place.

EFT - Tapping Acupuncture - stress relief and emotional freedom for personal use - online or in person

deutsch I 1 Tag I online I 165 EUR

english I 1 day I online I

more information to follow ...

Tarot Project - "Tarot Coach / Berater - "Online Life Seminar - german

deutsch I 12 x 3 h I Mittwochabend 14-tägig I 499 EUR

Emotional Harmony Code - Online Life Seminar - german

deutsch I 2 Tage I 300 EUR

EFT Tapping Circle - Online Life Gathering - german I 35 EUR

deutsch I 3 h I Donnerstagabend I 18.45 Uhr bis 21.45 Uhr I 35 EUR